Save the hostage in the upper city
Save the hostage in the upper city

save the hostage in the upper city

#Save the hostage in the upper city series

The aim of this study is to provide the firstĭetailed case series of recent child and adolescent asylum seekers in the Stress disorder, chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, scars, and However, the limited number of studies of immigrantĪnd refugee children who have resettled in developed countries have identifiedĪ high rate of trauma exposure and high rates of depression, post-traumatic United States about child asylum seekers’ trauma experiences and resulting National attention, there has been comparatively little medical research in the Though high levels of child migration have captured the Migration, harsh border enforcement will not serve as an effective deterrentĪnd will only cause more harm to an already traumatized population. However, if persecution and violence are the primary factors influencing Thereby threatening the health and well-being of thousands. Punitive policies which violate their rights and compound existing trauma, Guatemala, and Honduras – and have been met at the U.S. Violence in the “Northern Triangle” countries of Central America – El Salvador, UnaccompaniedĬhildren, adolescents, and young families have fled in increasing numbers from What is clear is that it is a child rights crisis. Policy debates rage over what has been termed a humanitarianĬrisis, a human rights crisis, or a national emergency at the U.S.-Mexicoīorder.

Save the hostage in the upper city